

Dental care, the way patients like it.

Here at Safe Dental, we aim to make your visit with us as pleasant and as comfortable as possible. Dental techniques and technology have improved tremendously over the last few years and modern dentistry can now be completely pain-free.

We understand that dental examinations can be anxiety ridden due to an overall fear of the dentist, possible past dental exams that did not go to plan or in some cases a fear of the unknown.

Therefore, we aim to follow any requests that you may have in order to feel comfortable in the practice and in the dental chair.

What we suggest in order to help?

• We can arrange a short 5-10-minute meeting, in which you can come into the practice, meet the team, and the dentist that may be treating you, look at the equipment and overall setting and become accustomed to Safe Dental and the way we work. This may help you when you come in for future appointments to feel at ease.

• In the dental chair we do usually have the radio on in the background but if you wish you can bring in your own headphones and music to listen to help you feel more at ease (we also recommend podcasts and audiobooks as they tend to help the time go faster!)

• With all patients, the dentist will precisely describe the kind of treatments and the ways in which said treatments will happen. This is so you can fully understand your dental journey, we do not want to keep you in the dark, we want to work with you to keep you smiling.

Business Hours

Monday: 9am - 5pm

Tuesday: 8am - 5pm

Wednesday: 9am - 8pm

Thursday: 8am - 6pm

Friday: 8am - 6pm

Saturday: closed

Sunday: closed

Get In Touch

32 Commercial St, Morley, Leeds LS27 8HL, UK

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